Personal | 6 Mental Health Pick Me Ups!

Here are 6 things to do Today!
All 6 of these things you can do right when you wake up in the morning.
These small additions could help you start on the right foot. It may help your day go smoother. It could even change your mindset for how you feel. It can prepare you for what lies ahead throughout your day.
Before rolling out of bed. Stretch and maybe brush the sleepies out of your eyes. And close your eyes. Try doing at least 1 of the following ideas.
1. Positive Self Talk.
It’s ok to feel this. You are worthy and enough. Think of all that you have been through. All that you have navigated. All that you continue to conquer, learn and grow from.
You are strong, resilient and couragious.
2. Visualize things working out
All the things that consume your mind. The worrying. The stressing. The over thinking. The ‘what ifs’. THINK about all those dissolving and it all working out.
After all, what is meant to be will be. And it will all work out the way its supposed to.
3. Figure out what YOU need.
Think about what makes you happy. What drives you to be better. How can you ask for help.
Simple. Complicated. Easy. Daily help – its all worth figuring out.
I have found writing down what I need help with – helps me. I end up crossing things off because I don’t have room in my brain to be consumed by them.
4. Think back to when you kicked butt.
Think about all that you have accomplished. All the events in your life were you persevered, thrived and shined bright.
I like to think about one particular event, where I felt amazing. Happy and bright.
You are capable. You are awesome. Look at what you have done.
5. Write down what you are grateful for.
I have a grateful page in a notebook. Random thoughts on what I’m grateful for
If you have a journal, sticky note or even a scrap piece of paper. Write is ALL down.
6. Make a new routine.
All of these ideas, could jump start a new routine for you. A new routine for your mind.
I like to focus on what I will do today that I am passionate about. It could be cooking a new recipe, going somewhere new for a hike, or even trying a new beauty product.
It’s worth a try. For there is always light and joy.
And finally, here are things you can do throughout your day to brighten your mind.
- Do a random act of kindness
- Step away from the screen
- Sweat it out
- Go outside, even if for 15 minutes
- Watch a movie you used to love as a child
- Eat really good chocolate
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