It just might have saved me
| Healthy + Wellness

Consistency. It’s a word that I’ve known about but haven’t ever really implemented it into my health and wellness journey…until now.
In the beginning my goal was to heal my gut, have more energy and go to the bathroom regularly (just being honest here). Of course there are a few others like, restful sleep, better mood, toned body, less aches and pains in my joints and more energy. The first 3 have not been completely healed but are a work in progress and I’ve noticed it.
Some may roll their eyes at supplements – I get it, I did. But I was willing to give them a chance. After I tried a few (for about 30 days), I checked in with myself to see if there were any changes. And there were. With supplements, a better morning routine, a lot more drinking water and better rest – I saw noticeable changes. For me, it was less stomachaches, getting on a regular bowel ‘schedule’, having more energy and no afternoon crash.
Remember everyone is different. Everybody is different. We all absorb things into our body at different rates. So what works for me, may not work for you.
I did a lot of research on all of these supplements, electrolytes and pre and post workout. After all, you are what you put into your body. It was important for me to like the brands, see positive reviews and results, ease of taking them and how absorable they are.
Let’s dive into all the supplements, books, and the drinks I’m loving.
When I get all of these supplements in a glass jar, it’s a small pile. My eyes are like, why? But I’ve noticed a difference. Plus I totally get it when you try a handful of things at the same time but you don’t know which thing is truly helping you and making a difference. So take this from me. Try a couple of things at a time for a certain period of time – like 30 days. Then re-evaluate. Lastly, I am not a professional and all our bodies are different. We all need different things in different ways. So use your gut to figure out what might work for you and where to begin.
The biggest impact all of these or some of them has had on me is that I’m more regular (wink), I’m less bloated and overall have more energy and feel good.
Here’s the list with links.
Spirulina : Super Greens.
Glucosamine + MSM : Joint Health
Lions Mane : Magic Mushrooms
Aswagandha : Restore. Relax. Unwind.
Fiber : Digestive health
Choline : Metabolism + Brain health
Tumeric : helps with inflammation. A powerhouse!
Glutamine : Muscle mass + gastrointestinal health
I love fiction. Like love it – there is something that transforms me away and really captivates me. However, I made a pack to start diving into some non fiction – not really self help but more prespective. The mind is powerful and our thoughts control so much – so in an effort to gain a bit more control or prespective these are on my list to read.
I’ve read 2 of these and the others are on my bedside table ready for me to dive into.
Pre work out, smoothie + post workout.
When I’m home, I live on routine.
- Wake up early
- Drink pre workout + creatine
- Workout + stretch
- Drink post workout + colostrum
- Blend a smoothie with grass fed whey + MCT oil, frozen berries, hemp and chia seeds with water – before 8am (read more about my smoothies here)
Everything is linked here for your reference! The colostrum, creative and protein powder are my holy grail. Again with consistency, I believe these things have the largest impact because they become more concentrated in your body for optimal results.
Hydrate, coffee, water...repeat?
If you have known me for any period of time, I’ve probably mentioned to you how little water I used to drink. It’s surprising to even ME now that I used to only drink sparkling water in between my caffenine and evening cocktails. Not the healthiest choices.
But now, drinking my 60-75 ounces of water (with electrolytes) each day, is a breeze and I actually want more of it. Here is my current favorite along with my mushroom coffee.
Recipes I'm making to help stay on track.
Delicious recipes from last month.
Thanks for reading and following along; I appreciate you. I’ve done a lot of research about what my body could use, along with finding the best products without breaking the bank. When buying all of these at once – well that’s a large bill. So, I’ve done this in stages and worked up to where I am now.
Consistency sure has helped me.
I’d love to hear from you. What has worked for you? How do you stay healthy? What supplements do you take? Any book recommendations?
Thanks for reading. Kat
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link. It’s okay – I love all of these companies anyways, and you will too!
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Well, there you have it. I’ve done a lot of research about what my body could use, along with researching the best products I can find without breaking the budget. When buying all of these at once – well that’s a large bill. So, I’ve done this in stages and worked up to where I am now.
Consistency sure has helped me.